It is that time of the year again. Every year, just before the 14th of February, scores of men around the world will be preparing for Valentine’s Day. It is a day that can make or break a man’s love life. Whether the girl becomes a girlfriend, a girlfriend becomes a wife. Men around the world scratch their heads in tandem to try and impress that particular lady. Valentine’s Day may have become extremely commercialised over the years but there is no denying the fact that women around the world value the significance of this particular day.
So here is a check list for Valentine’s Day.
That looks so cliche right? Well let’s just say that cliche is good for Valentine’s. The ladies love it and you don’t have to think of what to do differently. Just stick to the tried and tested formula that has worked for generations. Like a family heirloom that has been passed through the generations, this formula has stood the test of time and helped generations of men ace the Valentine’s test.
The people at Bloomback have tied up with a few notable florists to come up with two stunning bouquets this Valentine’s Day. There is a yellow bouquet as well as a pink bouquet. Well that is how men see flowers, in colours. Women see it differently, they know the species, what a particular flower means, how long they last, how to make them last longer and the list goes on. For men, we see it as colour and price and that is where Bloomback makes it easy for the men to ace the flowers portion this Valentine’s Day.
So how do you order your yellow or pink bouquet this Valentine’s Day.
Well first you go to and click on Bloomback bouquet
This brings you to the Bloomback shop. It is here that you need to pick a bouquet.
Here you have to pick the quantity and click “ADD TO BASKET”
Once done click “View basket” on the top right hand corner
In the basket page, you can key in a promotional code. Key in BLOOMBACK and hit on “APPLY COUPON” to get $20 off your bouquet. If you intend to change the quantity of bouquets you are buying you can do so at the top column. Once you adjusted the quantity of bouquets you want, hit “UPDATE BASKET” to update the transaction. Once you are done, hit “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT”
This brings you to the checkout page and you should fill in the details as required. If you have any issues you can email them at or use the live chat function on the bottom right of the page to talk to any of their staff.
Once you are all done with all fields, you should reach this last page.
Payments are secure and Bloomback uses Stripe payment gateway. Notable companies that use Stripe are companies like Kickstarter, Grab, Chope, HipVan and Deliveroo.
Once you’ve made payment, your flowers will be delivered to your lady on your selected delivery date! If you are still clueless as to when Valentine’s Day is, well it is on the 14th of February. Feel free to learn more about the bloomback movement by visiting their home page They are a social enterprise and a large proportion of their proceeds go to notable causes. Now that is something special as well. Once you are done I guess you can tick off two things on your Valentine’s Day checklist. You’ve just completed two mammoth tasks in the comfort of your own home! Now back to the live football match…
Yours Sincerely,
Daryl Lum (Guest contributor to the Bloomback blog)