We bloom it forward!
Committed to addressing issues faced by marginalised communities by supporting them in the following ways:
– Holistic training programmes
– Employment opportunities
– Re-purpose event flowers and distribute to hospice patients and old folks
– Enhance emotional and mental well being
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society
Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society (THK) is a non-profit voluntary welfare organization since 1978. They provide community based services in social, health, emotional, educational, family and disability to all. They help anyone who needs help regardless of race, creed, language, culture and religion. THK is committed to providing all rounded support and good service to the community. Through the motivation and efforts of sincere partners, generous donors, selfless volunteers and dedicated staff who serve and support the needy, THK group of charities currently operates more than 50 centres and services which include the Ang Mo Kio – Thye Hua Kwan Hospital (AMK-THKH) and Thye Hua Kwan Moral Charities (THKMC).
National Centre For Infectious Diseases
The National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID) is a facility designed to strengthen Singapore’s capabilities in infectious disease management and prevention. NCID houses clinical services, public health, research, training and education, and community engagement under one overarching structure. Benchmarked to international standards and best practices for treatment and safety, NCID will better enhance Singapore’s ability to respond effectively to infectious outbreaks.
Banyan Home @ Pelangi Village
Since 1982, Banyan Home has established various services such as home for the aged sick, family service centres and student care centres. Their objectives are to promote and cultivate good morals, such as filial piety, compassion, loyalty, decency, humanity and wisdom, to help all people and to give relief to anyone in hardship, disaster or need, without discrimination, to carry out welfare work for the good of mankind, including the rendering of financial assistance and personal support and more. They promote love, respect and care for one another despite all differences.
Suggest a NGO to happiness@bloomback.org.
A study conducted at Harvard University has confirmed that flowers strengthens feelings of compassion, and reduces anxiety and depression.
Accelerates healing
Soothing effects of flowers have a healing touch on patients. Patients exposed to flowers and plants have a significantly shorter post-procedure recovery time.
Feeds compassion
Flowers make intimate connections. They increase feelings of compassion and kindness that help in relationship-building with others. As such, being in touch with flowers increases one’s social skills.
Improves energy
Flowers can have a revitalising effect on one. Exposure to flowers increases vigor, raises energy level and hence a boost in enthusiasm. The result is a more positive outlook on life.
Better mental health
Presence of flowers and plants relieves feelings of depression and anxiety. They can help elevate mood, reduce stress and have long-term benefits to one’s mental well-being.